Andy Warhol

Birth Name:
Andrew Warhola
Birth Date:
August 6, 1928
Birth Place:
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Death Date:
February 22, 1987
Place of Death:
New York Hospital, New York, New York
Cause of Death:
Post-operative cardiac arrhythmia
Cemetery Name:
St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cemetery
Claim to Fame:
Andy Warhol was an American artist, film director, and producer who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as the Pop Art movement. Like his contemporaries Robert Rauschenberg and Roy Lichtenstein, Warhol wryly responded to the mass media of the 1960s. His silkscreen-printed paintings of cultural and consumer icons, featuring Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor, as well as Campbell's Soup cans and Brillo boxes, would make him one of the most famous artists of his generation. Before becoming a pop icon, Warhol graduated from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1949, moving to New York to pursue a career in commercial illustration. Warhol's illustrations for editorials like Vogue and Glamour during the 1950s led him to financial success. In 1964, Warhol rented a studio loft on East 47th Street in Midtown Manhattan, which was later known as the Factory. Quick to realize the cult of celebrity, the Factory acted as a hub for fashionable movie stars, models, and artists who became fodder for his prints and films, as well as a performance venue for The Velvet Underground. The prolific artist worked across painting, sculpture, and new media throughout the 1960s and 1970s.

Fun Facts

After his death, the artist’s estate became The Andy Warhol Foundation and in 1994, a museum dedicated to the artist and his oeuvre opened in his native Pittsburgh. Today, his works are held in the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago, the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, and the Tate Gallery in London, among others.

Did you know Andy was shot during an assassination attempt? Warhol was chatting on the phone at the Factory when Valerie Solanas (prostitute and budding artist in the Warhol orbit) fired the first shot from her Beretta. Warhol first realized what was happening, and before she fired the second shot he yelled, “Valerie! Don’t do it! No! No!” Only the third bullet hit him, but it was a true shot, entering under his right armpit and exiting through his right lung. At Columbus Hospital, Warhol was declared clinically dead for two minutes. Years later Solanas once remarked “I should have done target practice.”

Cemetery Information:

Final Resting Place:

St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Cemetery

1066 Connor Road

Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, 15102


North America

Grave Location:

Warhola Family Plot

Grave Location Description

From the cemetery entrance on Connor Road, make a right and follow the road around to the left and drive 200 feet to the Figment camera pole on the left and park. Walk to the right across the street from the camera pole and go up 5 rows and slightly to the left to find the final resting place of Andy Warhol.

Grave Location GPS

40.3544538863, -80.0298569777

Visiting The Grave:



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Videos Featuring Andy Warhol:

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Nusch Éluard

popular name: Nusch Éluard

date_of_death: November 28, 1946

age: 40

cause_of_death: Stroke

claim_to_fame: Artists

best_know_for: Nicknamed “Nusch” by artist Max Bill, she was a French performer, model and surrealist artist. In 1930 she met the poet Paul Éluard working as a model. They married him in 1934. She produced surrealist photomontage and other works, and is the subject of “Facile,” a collection of Éluard’s poetry published as a photogravure book, illustrated with Man Ray’s nude photographs of her. Later she was the subject of several cubist portraits and sketches by Pablo Picasso in the late 1930s with whom she had an affair. Nusch worked for the French Resistance during the Nazi occupation of France during World War II and died suddenly in 1946 in Paris, collapsing in the street due to a massive stroke.

Carmine Infantino

popular name: Carmine Infantino

date_of_death: April 4, 2013

age: 87


claim_to_fame: Artists

best_know_for: Carmine Michael Infantino was an American comics artist and editor, primarily for DC Comics, during the late 1950s and early 1960s period known as the Silver Age of Comic Books. Among his character creations are the Silver Age version of DC super-speedster the Flash with writer Robert Kanigher, the stretching Elongated Man with John Broome, Deadman with writer Arnold Drake, and Christopher Chance, the second iteration of the Human Target with Len Wein.

Gustave Caillebotte

popular name: Gustave Caillebotte

date_of_death: February 21, 1894

age: 45

cause_of_death: Stroke

claim_to_fame: Artists

best_know_for: Gustave Caillebotte was a French painter who was a member and patron of the Impressionists, although he painted in a more realistic manner than many others in the group. He was noted for his early interest in photography as an art form, and is best known for his paintings of urban Paris, such as The Europe Bridge (Le Pont de l'Europe) (1876), and Paris Street; Rainy Day (Rue de Paris; temps de pluie, also known as La Place de l'Europe, temps de pluie) (1877). Born in Paris in 1848, Caillebotte studied law and engineering before fighting in the Franco–Prussian War from 1870 to 1871. After the war’s end, he studied at the studio of Léon Bonnat and later at the École des Beaux Arts. Upon meeting Edgar Degas, Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet, Caillebotte experimented further with capturing the changing face of everyday Parisian life. Caillebotte made his debut in the second Impressionist exhibition in 1876, showing eight paintings, including Les raboteurs de parquet (The Floor Scrapers) (1875), his earliest masterpiece. Cropping and "zooming-in", techniques that commonly are found in Caillebotte's oeuvre, may also be the result of his interest in photography, but may just as likely be derived from his intense interest in perspective effects. A large number of Caillebotte's works also employ a very high vantage point, including View of Rooftops (Snow) (Vue de toits (Effet de neige)) (1878), Boulevard Seen from Above (Boulevard vu d'en haut) (1880), and A Traffic Island (Un refuge, boulevard Haussmann) (1880).

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