Dr. Sam Sheppard
And the rest of the story …
There are only three suspects ever debated as the killer of Marilyn Sheppard – Richard Eberling (an occasional handyman and window washer at the Sheppard home), James Call (a washed-out air force officer who became a burglar, killer and fugitive from the law) and Dr. Sam Sheppard.
During further court proceedings in September 1997, Sam Sheppard’s body was exhumed. After testing, the body was cremated and the ashes inurned in the same mausoleum crypt at Knollwood Cemetery as Marilyn. Two years later Marilyn Sheppard’s body was exhumed for further court proceedings. At that time, Chip Sheppard learned that his mother had been pregnant at the time of her murder, a fact concealed from the Sheppard defense team. (The county coroner had retained the fetus illegally for a year after her death, and the unborn child — held in a glass jar full of formaldehyde — was placed in the Sheppard crypt in 1955.) Both the remains of the unborn child and Marilyn Sheppard were reinterred in the same crypt.
Cemetery Information:
Final Resting Place:
Knollwood Cemetery
1678 SOM Ctr Road
Mayfield Heights, Ohio, 44124
North America

Grave Location:
Mausoleum, North Wing, Crypt 744EGrave Location Description
From the main entrance, take the second right hall and walk down the hallway and turn left then left again and look along the top of the crypts for 744 where you will find Dr. Sam Sheppard resting along with his wife and unborn child.
Grave Location GPS
41.51347041, -81.44423815Photos:
Read More About Dr. Sam Sheppard:
- Published Obituary
- Wikipedia Entry
- Who was the real perpetrator?
- The Trial Of Sam Sheppard: How A Media Frenzy Led To The Life Imprisonment Of A Young Doctor
- Could DNA Evidence Finally Solve One Of America’s Most Infamous Killings?
- The Murder of Marilyn Sheppard and Trials of “Dr. Sam”
- Did Dr. Sam Sheppard Murder His Wife?
- Dr. Sam's Last Days
- Marilyn Sheppard Autopsy Report
- The Entire Online Database of the Sheppard Murder Case
- First responder Fred Drenkhan is convinced Sheppard was guilty
- Sheppard mantelpiece from murder house sold in auction
- Out of the Past