Gene Krupa
Fun Fact
With peer Cozy Cole, Gene started a music school in 1954 that carried on into the 1960s. Some of the school’s students included Peter Criss of KISS and Jerry Nolan of The New York Dolls. Doug Clifford of Creedence Clearwater Revival cited Krupa as an inspiration.
Cemetery Information:
Final Resting Place:
Holy Cross Cemetery
801 Michigan City Road
Calumet City, Illinois, 60409
North America

Grave Location:
Immaculata, Lot 22, Block AGrave Location Description
As you enter the cemetery off Michigan City Road, make an immediate left turn and follow the road to the second right turn you can make. Upon turning right the sections Good Shepard (19) will be on your right and St. Michaels will be on your left. Make the first left turn and St. Michaels will still be on your left and Immaculata will be on your right. Park halfway down the sections (about 200 feet) and park. Look to your right for the Sadowski monument (a large tombstone with a cross on top) 20 feet from the road and behind that monument you will find the final resting place of Gene Krupa.