Paul Éluard

Birth Name:
Eugène Émile Paul Grindel
Birth Date:
December 14, 1895
Birth Place:
Saint-Denis, France
Death Date:
November 18, 1952
Place of Death:
52 avenue de Gravelle, Charenton-le-Pont, France
Cause of Death:
Heart attack
Cemetery Name:
Cimetière du Père Lachaise
Claim to Fame:
Writers and Poets
Paul Éluard was a French poet and one of the founders of the Surrealist movement. He is widely considered the best of the surrealist poets, and his surrealist books include Capitale de la douleur (1926), La Rose publique (1934) and Les Yeux fertiles (1936). Éluard also included among his close friends such visual artists as Picasso, Miró, Tanguy, and Salvador Dali (who stole his first wife, Gala).

Cemetery Information:

Final Resting Place:

Cimetière du Père Lachaise

16 Rue du Repos, 6ème division, Chemin Lesseps

Paris, , 75020




Cemetery map of Cimetière du Père Lachaise in Paris, France.
Cemetery map of Cimetière du Père Lachaise in Paris, France.

Grave Location:

Division 97

Grave Location Description

Paul Éluard’s final resting place is located in the furthest Northeast corner of the cemetery opposite the main entrance (it’s quite a walk). The grave can be found on Avenue Circulaire on the path and not too far from Edith Piaf.

Grave Location GPS

48.85974, 2.399630



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Jean Cocteau

popular name: Jean Cocteau

date_of_death: October 11, 1963

age: 74

cause_of_death: Heart attack

claim_to_fame: Writers and Poets

best_know_for: Jean Cocteau was a French poet, playwright, novelist, designer, filmmaker, visual artist and critic whose best known works include the novel Les Enfants Terribles, the stage plays La Voix Humaine, Les Parents Terribles and the films The Blood of a Poet (1930), Les Parents Terribles (1948), Beauty and the Beast (1946) and Orpheus (1949). He is considered by many to be one of avant-garde's most successful and influential filmmakers.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

popular name: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

date_of_death: July 7, 1930

age: 71

cause_of_death: Heart attack

claim_to_fame: Writers and Poets

best_know_for: Over 125 years after his creation, Sherlock Holmes remains the most popular fictional detective in history. Arthur Conan Doyle is best known for the 60 stories he wrote about Sherlock Holmes. His body of work includes nearly 200 novels, short stories, poems, historical books and pamphlets.

C.S. Lewis

popular name: C.S. Lewis

date_of_death: November 22, 1963

age: 64

cause_of_death: Complications from end-stage kidney failure and heart attack

claim_to_fame: Writers and Poets

best_know_for: C.S. Lewis is best known for his beloved fiction novels, notably The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, and The Space Trilogy. He is also known for his popular works of non-fiction Christian apologetics, including Mere Christianity and The Problem of Pain.

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