The Accident
Falco was leaving the nightclub Tipico Azuca in the afternoon where he had a party the night before. At the time of his departure it was said to be raining heavily. As he pulled out of the parking lot a bus collided with his car and hit him in driver’s side. Falco was rushed to the hospital with a broken left leg and severe head injuries. He died in Puerto Plata’s hospital around 4:00 pm local time. Austrian media reported he had 1,5 promille alcohol in his blood at the time of his death.
Earlier that day Falco called his guitarist, Milan Polak, and asked him if he wanted to come over to the Dominican Republic to record some songs. It was one of the last phone calls Falco ever made.
Cemetery Information:
Final Resting Place:
Der Wiener Zentralfriedhof
1110 Wien
Simmeringer Hauptstraße 234, Vienna,

Grave Location:
Gruppe 40, Grab Nr. 64Grave Location Description
Ok, I’m not going to lie to you – at 590 acres and 330,000 memorials there is virtually no way you will be able to find the final resting place of Falco without the cemetery map and GPS location. Interesting to note he is buried on the road that surrounds Gruppe 40 and next to Supermax founder Kurt Hauenstein.