Herman Armour
Fun Fact
Armour’s meatpacking factories were the first to mass-produce canned meats, and the subsidiary Armour Refrigerator Line, a railroad car company, helped ship Armour products to distant markets, bringing the company to national prominence. The company’s infamously filthy Chicago slaughterhouse was involved in scandals in 1889 and ’99 involving the sale of tainted meats, and the same facility was a key inspiration for Upton Sinclair’s classic novel and exposé, The Jungle.
Cemetery Information:
Final Resting Place:
Woodlawn Cemetery
4199 Webster Avenue
Bronx, New York, 10470
North America

Grave Location:
Chestnut Hill, Section 136Grave Location Description
As you enter through the Jerome Avenue entrance drive straight ahead and then turn left on West Border Avenue. Make the first right on Chestnut Avenue and look to your right through the massive trees for the Armour mausoleum.