Timothy O'Bryan

Birth Name:
Timothy O'Bryan
Birth Date:
April 5, 1966
Birth Place:
Houston, Texas
Death Date:
October 31, 1974
Place of Death:
Houston, Texas
Cause of Death:
Cyanide poisoning
Cemetery Name:
Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery
Claim to Fame:
Crime and their Victims
poisoned by own father

Cemetery Information:

Final Resting Place:

Forest Park Lawndale Cemetery

6900 Lawndale

Houston, Texas, 77023


North America

Grave Location:

Section 28, Temple Gardens

Grave Location GPS

29.71296, -95.30671


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Joe Arridy

popular name: Joe Arridy

date_of_death: January 6, 1939

age: 23

cause_of_death: Execution - gas chamber

claim_to_fame: Crime and their Victims

best_know_for: In August of 1936 Joe Arridy was arrested for vagrancy and shortly after confessed to the rape and brutal murder of Dorothy Drain, a 15-year-old girl in Pueblo, Colorado. Only problem was that Joe Arridy had an I.Q. of 46 and the understanding of a 6-year-old child. Unfortunately that did not matter to the arresting sheriff, the prosecutor or the judge who sentenced Arridy to death in the gas chamber. Despite the exhaustive work his attorney did along with a host of professionals to halt this travesty of "justice" Joe Arridy was murdered by the State of Colorado on January 6, 1939. So unaware of his surrounding or his situation, he enjoyed his last meal of ice cream and smiled and joked with the guards as they escorted him to the gas chamber.

Ernesto Miranda

popular name: Ernesto Miranda

date_of_death: January 31, 1976

age: 34

cause_of_death: Stabbing

claim_to_fame: Crime and their Victims

best_know_for: If you have ever been on the wrong side of a conversation with local police and were read your rights (You have the right to remain silent ...) then you have Ernesto Miranda (actually his attorney) to thank. Ernesto Miranda was a violent, predatory American criminal and day laborer whose conviction on kidnapping, rape, and armed robbery charges based on his confession under police interrogation was set aside in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Miranda v. Arizona, which ruled that criminal suspects must be informed of their right against self-incrimination and their right to consult with an attorney before being questioned by police. This warning is known as a Miranda warning.

Tommy Sullivan

popular name: Tommy Sullivan

date_of_death: December 22, 1957

age: 38

cause_of_death: Homicide - gunshot wounds

claim_to_fame: Crime and their Victims

best_know_for: Tommy Sullivan was a local light heavyweight sensation known for his almost mythical physical strength and a hard-charging, teeth-clenching, just-try-and-stop-me fighting style. Often heard hollering, “Come on, come on!” at his opponent, “My mother and father tell me to win in a hurry. ‘Don’t fool around,’ says my dad. ‘Get it over with.’ ” He was gunned down by the members of the local McLaughlin Irish mob and though it considered "unsolved", everyone in Southie knew who did it and revenge was brutal.

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