Elena Semander

Birth Name:
Elena Semander
Birth Date:
February 16, 1961
Birth Place:
Houston, Texas
Death Date:
February 7, 1982
Place of Death:
West Hollow Apartments, Houston, Texas
Cause of Death:
Cemetery Name:
Forest Park Westheimer Cemetery
Claim to Fame:
Crime and their Victims
Serial Killer victim

Cemetery Information:

Final Resting Place:

Forest Park Westheimer Cemetery

12800 Westheimer Road

Houston, Texas, 77077


North America

Grave Location GPS

29.74162, -9561028


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Rosario Porrello

popular name: Rosario Porrello

date_of_death: February 25, 1932

age: 41

cause_of_death: Gunshot wounds from a mob hit

claim_to_fame: Crime and their Victims

best_know_for: A member of the Porrello crime family and older brother of crime boss Joseph Porrello. He was gunned down in a hail of bullets along with Raymond while they were playing cards at Joe Todaro's smoke shop at Woodland and East 111th Street. This execution of two more Porrello brothers effectively ended the family's influence in organized crime in Cleveland, Ohio as they were the last casualties of the Corn Sugar Wars in Cleveland, Ohio.

Karla Faye Tucker

popular name: Karla Faye Tucker

date_of_death: February 3, 1998

age: 38

cause_of_death: Prison Execution - lethal injection

claim_to_fame: Crime and their Victims

best_know_for: Convicted for killing two people with a pickaxe during a burglary, she was the first woman to be executed in Texas since Chipita Rodriguez in 1863. Her execution received worldwide attention at the time.

Antonio Pollina

popular name: Antonio Pollina

date_of_death: February 27, 1993

age: 100

cause_of_death: Natural causes

claim_to_fame: Crime and their Victims

best_know_for: Antonio "Mr. Miggs" Pollina was an Italian-American mobster and was the short lived boss of the Philadelphia crime family during the late 1950s. Shortly after immigrating from Caccamo, Sicily he developed an arrest record dating back to 1927 and included arrests for murder, concealed weapons, untaxed liquor, assault & battery. His legitimate employment was as a cheese salesman for Maggio Cheese Co. (owned by the powerful mobster Micheal Maggio) Pollina was one of the top leaders of the mafia group known as "The Greaser Gang" and controlled a large loansharking operation. In 1959 Pollina was made interim boss of the Philadelphia crime family. It was then Pollina began plotting the murder of his rival and top earner Angelo Bruno. Pollina ordered his Underboss, Ignazio Denaro, to murder Angelo Bruno, but Denaro instead informed Bruno of Pollina's intentions. Bruno used his connections to The Commission to take Pollina's power away from him. The Commission authorized Bruno to murder Pollina. Pollina stepped down and Angelo Bruno replaced him and kept Denaro as his underboss.

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