Edwin H. Land

Dr. Land
Birth Name:
Edwin Herbert Land
Birth Date:
May 7, 1909
Birth Place:
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Death Date:
March 1, 1991
Place of Death:
Prospect Hill, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Cause of Death:
Cemetery Name:
Mount Auburn Cemetery
Claim to Fame:
Edwin H. Land was an American scientist and inventor, best known as the co-founder of the Polaroid Corporation and the inventor of instant photography. “Dr. Land,’’ as most people referred to him, left Harvard College before graduation to start inventing in a Cambridge garage. In 40 years, Land built up a company that did about $1.4 billion of business all over the world in 1979 with over 20,000 employees. He stuck to his guns, never diversified into other businesses, never sold out to another company, and never borrowed money on a long-term basis. Land was awarded more than 500 patents, and other Polaroid researchers hundreds more. The Polaroid company was a juggernaut of innovation. In modern terms, Polaroid was the Apple of its time with a brilliant leader in Edwin Land, a scientist who guided the company as the CEO for several decades. But the company suffered a long decline starting in the ’80s leading to bankruptcy in the 2000s.

Fun Fact

When Edwin died on March 1, 1991 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, upon his specific instructions his trusted personal assistant destroyed all his personal papers and his notes. Oddly enough shortly after his death his historic Cambridge mansion burned to the ground.

Cemetery Information:

Final Resting Place:

Mount Auburn Cemetery

580 Mount Auburn Street

Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02138


North America


Map of Mount Auburn Cemetery in Boston, Massachusetts
Map of Mount Auburn Cemetery in Boston, Massachusetts

Grave Location:

Aronia Path, Lot 10123, Space 1

Grave Location Description

The the intersection of Pond Road, Bradlee Road, Willow Pond Path and Aronia Path take a short walk up Aronia Path just past the Butternut Path and look to your right and you will see the final resting place of the brilliant Dr. Land and his wife about 50 feet from the path.

Grave Location GPS

42.36758888, -71.14714891



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Sir Isaac Newton

popular name: Sir Isaac Newton

date_of_death: March 28, 1727

age: 84

cause_of_death: Experienced severe pain in his abdomen and blacked out, never regained consciousness, and died the next day

claim_to_fame: Science

best_know_for: Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, and theologian, is considered one of the great figures in the history of math and science. His ideas about motion and gravity are fundamental to the science of physics and other fields. He discovered calculus, proposed new theory of light and color, advanced early modern chemistry, and invented the reflecting telescope. His highly influential books include "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) on classical mechanics, "Opticks" on theories of light.

Jaime Escalante

popular name: Jaime Escalante

date_of_death: March 30, 2010

age: 79

cause_of_death: Bladder cancer

claim_to_fame: Science

best_know_for: Jaime Escalante became famous for his work with troubled, "unteachable" high school math students. Escalante was an educator who was born in Bolivia and came to the United States in the 1960s to seek a better life. He began teaching math to troubled students in a violent Los Angeles school and became famous for leading many of them to pass the advanced placement calculus test. In 1991, the number of Garfield students taking advanced placement examinations in math and other subjects jumped to 570 with many of them going on to selective universities including the University of Southern California (USC) and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) He was played by Edward James Olmos in the 1988 film Stand and Deliver.

Pierre Curie

popular name: Pierre Curie

date_of_death: April 19, 1906

age: 46

cause_of_death: Accidental - Slipped while crossing street and a heavy horse-drawn cart wheel ran over his head

claim_to_fame: Science

best_know_for: Pierre Curie was a French physicist, a pioneer in crystallography, magnetism, piezoelectricity, and radioactivity. In 1903, he received the Nobel Prize in Physics with his wife, Marie Curie, and Henri Becquerel.

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